Thank you WooCommerce, our Platinum sponsor

WooCommerce is the fastest growing eCommerce software/platform, powering over 30% of all eCommerce stores with over 1 million active installations. It is is built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, making it the obvious eCommerce choice for existing WordPress users and connects you to the fast-growing WordPress ecosystem which now powers over 25% of all websites on the internet. Continue reading Thank you WooCommerce, our Platinum sponsor

Neuralab is hiring, and they will be at WordCamp Split

Neuralab is an award-winning team from Zagreb that works with domestic and international clients on delivering state of the art web and mobile solutions. Today, we’re talking with Krešimir Končić, founder and CEO of Neuralab, to get a glimpse into their everyday process. Krešimir will also host a workshop (in Croatian) about Managing WordPress projects. Continue reading Neuralab is hiring, and they will be at WordCamp Split

O varijacijama proizvoda u WooCommerceu pričati će nam Borko Livić

WooCommerce je uvjerljivo najpopularnija e-commerce platforma na WordPressu, a kada gledamo ukupan broj svih svjetskih web trgovina, također je uvjerljivo prvi, ispred platformi poput Magenta. O WooCommerceu i varijacijama proizvoda pričati će nam Borko Livić u svom predavanju koji je namijenjen upravo hrvatskoj publici. Continue reading O varijacijama proizvoda u WooCommerceu pričati će nam Borko Livić